Every photographer with kids understands the term "PCS". For those of you who are not photographers, "PCS" stands for "Photographer's Child Syndrome". The symptoms of PCS include 1) groaning brought on by the sight of cameras, 2) eye rolling 3) whining and pouting when asked to sit with their siblings for a photos, 4) refusal to make eye contact and instead face the camera but look far off in the distance, 5) funny faces, 6) sticking out one's tongue and 7) running away. What causes PCS? It's pretty simple. PCS is caused when mother or father photographer takes advantage of their photogenic children too often.
My kids have PCS (well at least the older ones...the little guy doesn't know any better). So, when we arrived to my mom's house in the rural outskirts of Charlotte, NC for my brothers' birthday get together they were not happy at all when I told them I wanted to take a couple of photos in the horse pasture (the sun was setting behind it). Thus, I only got a couple but they are keepers for sure. :)
If you like what you see, check out my Children's Portolio. Contact me to schedule your own child or family photography session. Carrie Howland Photography is a children's photographer in the Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas. I'd love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below. I appreciate shares, pins and likes!!
Apr 16, 2015, 1:14:06 PM
Carrie Howland - Thanks Angela!! I love sibling photos too!
Apr 15, 2015, 9:30:03 PM
Angela Blazevich - Love, love, love!! Especially the three of them together. There is nothing sweeter than sibling love ❤️
Mar 30, 2015, 12:48:18 PM
Carrie Howland - Thank you Iris!!
Mar 20, 2015, 2:00:00 PM
Iris - Carrie, your children are so cute. The photographs if them are marvelous.